New Years Resolutions for 2018 and 2017 Review

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

New Years Resolutions for 2018 and 2017 Review

January 1, 2018

It’s that time of year again, time to set forth upon the new year and cast my hopes and dreams for 2018. Who are we kidding? I feel like this idea needs a complete reboot. As you can see in the results section below, I did horribly on my 2017 resolutions. I am not sure why, but even with the more narrow focus, I think it was just too much. I think I am going to attempt to do quarterly goals in 2018 and see if that makes everything more attainable for me.

My 2018 Quarter 1 Resolutions

  • Complete Couch to 5K.
  • Write 2 blog posts.

I really think that’s it. Looking at resolutions at the quarterly level is nice. I know I am going to be quite busy this quarter with traveling and what-have-you. So let’s take it a bit slow and actually get something done!

My 2017 Resolutions Results

Restart my efforts in blogging. Would really like to get 12+ posts out this year (1 a month).
Speak at a national tech conference.
Start to learn Go.
Restart my React.js/Express.js tutorial. Get 1,000 readers.
Improve my photography and start publishing photos to somewhere else besides Instagram.


Well, 1 out of 5 goals completed. That is terrible. The only one I have seemed to succeed on was improving my photography. I was lucky enough to be able to take TrackMaven’s employee photos. This was both very stressfull, and very exciting. I do really like portrait photography, and taking 45+ of them really gave me a lot to take away from. On a possitive note, I did get 10,000 sessions and just over 8,500 unique visitors in 2017. That’s promising for actually not posting anything relevant this year. I really do want to make this blog work; so we’ll see!